Technical Consulting

Seismic from TGS in AAPG Explorer – Aug 2016

We characterize the subsurface to provide the technical input for decisions on acreage evaluation, prospect maturation, field appraisal/development and production.

  • Stratigraphic evaluation and prediction of
    • reservoir/seal presence, architecture and quality
    • analysis of seismic, well logs, core, cuttings, geochemistry and appropriate analogs
    • basin, field to prospect scale
  • Seismic and well interpretation projects
    • integrating geophysical, geological and well data
    • characterize all petroleum system elements
    • geological model building and inputs for volumetric calculations and risking
  • Support for license rounds and farm-in opportunities
    • assess discovered volumes and validate rock property distributions for volumetric calculations
    • quickly evaluate acreage regarding exploration prospects and leads
    • assess the risk and uncertainty associated with each element of the petroleum system
    • provide work program support moving forward
  • Review of asset studies
    • project framework and work plan creation
    • interpretation products and geological models
    • final technical deliverables and business decision inputs